About Me

I am a mathematician with a large set of hobbies and interests. I enjoy 3D printing for general uses and to help convey mathematical concepts. I am fascinated with collecting and analyzing smart-home data. I design custom sensors with ESPHome (an open-source project that I have contributed to by adding support for some sensors) to measure conditions offline and use Home Assistant to collect data and perform automations using that data. I have used Python and various data science libraries to help analyze that data to help predict occupant activities. For example, whether someone is asleep, showering, or cooking.

Currently, I am an assistant professor at Farmingdale State College. From 2017-2020, I was a post-doctoral teaching fellow at the Colorado School of Mines. I received my Ph.D. in mathematics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in May 2017. My dissertation topic was fractional difference equations. In particular, I studied the existence of solutions to nonlinear boundary value problems involving the Caputo fractional difference contained in a self-adjoint difference equation. I co-mentored two students in the 2021 New York City Discrete Math REU at Baruch College. I worked with several undergraduates at the Colorado School of Mines on original research in discrete fractional calculus. Out of those efforts, I have co-authored a paper with Cameron Kissler that appeared in the Journal of Difference Equations and Applications.

While an undergraduate at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, I participated in the RUTE (Research for Undergraduates in Theoretical Ecology) program. I also participated in an applied math REU in the summer of 2011. We published a paper from our results in Communications in Applied Analysis. Also, as an undergraduate, I wrote an honors thesis with results about time scales. While a graduate student at UNL, I mentored an applied math REU in the summer of 2014. We jointly published our results in Enlightenment of Pure and Applied Mathematics.